Are your dance teachers always telling you to jump higher? Well, it’s not something you can “just do” right then and there. Learning how to jump higher is all about building strength in your hamstrings, glutes, and core. Plus a healthy dose of cardio.
This workout will help you jump higher, but only if you work on it consistently (once a week minimum). If you’d rather keep it super simple, I recommend running. Running strengthens and builds endurance in a lot of the same muscles as this workout.
Want to increase your flexibility alongside this workout? Try Dance Insight’s Beginner Flexibility Program (it’s free!)
No equipment required, but…
A lot of these exercises can be made more difficult with a resistance band. Once this workout starts to feel easy for you, use a resistance band to give yourself more of a challenge. If you don’t keep upping the difficulty, you won’t grow. (That’s the principle of progressive overload, which I talk about in-depth in this post.)
Dancer Workout for How to Jump Higher
4th Position Squats (8x each side)
3 counts down, 1 count up. This timing will build lean muscle and help you pop off the floor.
Hip Lifts (4 pulses front and side, 8x on each leg)
From dancer-fitness.com
Half Toe Touch (8x)
From dancer-fitness.com
Double Leg Lift (8x)
Straddle “Whacks” (8x)
From Anna McNulty on YouTube